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Rule of Law and the Civil Society- Watchdog and National Federation of Polish NGOs’ diagnosis (2021)

In 2021, almost nothing happened in terms of guarantees for NGOs. It was a crisis year in which there was sustained pressure on democracy and the rule of law. The only positives were that organizations led to public hearings being held on the National Recovery Plan and the election of an independent person as Ombudsman,…


The double standard of the minister of the environment. Why did Michał Woś form the mysterious working group?

Although Michał Woś, the Minister of the Environment, has set up a working group to promote transparency in NGO funding, he himself gives evasive answers and restricts the citizen’s right of access to public information. For this reason, we are taking legal action and filing a complaint of his inaction. What exactly is it all…


Watchdog Poland’s Program for 2018-2020

Where is Poland today? The most important challenges for 2018: local government elections and the change of the law on access to public information, and in the years to come – elections to the parliament as well as presidential elections. These make natural opportunities to take actions directed to politicians. Elections to local governments –…


Is the National Institute of Freedom a deserved name? (Voice in a debate)

The Law and Justice’s government maintains that it wishes to build a strong civil society. Contrary to these declarations, this is not reflected in the shape of the newest piece of legislation – an Act on the National Institute of Freedom.  The Act on the National Institute of Freedom – Centre for the Development of…