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Who pays for elections? (activity)

In 2015 Citizens Network Watchdog Poland, Stefan Batory Foundation, Stanczyk Foundation, Fundacja Wolności [Freedom Foundation], The Institute of Public Affairs and Association 61 undertook a topic that has been vivid since 2005 and which is financing of elections. That time the presidential ones. Article 125 of the Election Code states that financing of the election…


Show us your calendar, minister – press interview

Interview of Tomasz Kwaśniewski with Agnieszka Podgórska and Szymon Osowski for Duży Format (a special supplement to Gazeta Wyborcza).   We can share the translation thanks to the kind approval of Gazeta Wyborcza. *** We asked all provincial marshals and governors about the salaries of managers. And while we were at it, we also asked about…


Application to the European Court of Human Rights on Violation of article 10 of the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Below you will find translation of our Application to the European Court of Human Rights on Violation of article 10 of the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, signed on March 29, 2013. Full Application (in Polish). II EXPOSÉ DES FAITS STATEMENT OF FACTS (Voir chapitre II de la note explicative)…


Constitutional Complaint Regarding Freedom of Information Act’s Provisions

Below you will find translation of our Constitutional Complaint regarding provisions of FOIA that restrict access to information on legislative process. The Complaint in Polish. Polish Freedom of Information Act before 2011’s amendments. The amendments to Freedom of Information Act introduced in 2011.   2nd January 2013 Warsaw Constitutional Court, Warsaw Complaining Party: Association of…