
The mission of our organisation are actions popularising and implementing the idea of good governance.


We think the idea of good governance is inherent for responsible, open authority which is sensitive to social needs and responds to those needs. It is open for dialogue and civic control, and to assume responsibility for their decisions and actions.

We think that the idea of good governance can only be realised with active participation of citizens who take ownership of the public matters and who are aware of their rights and duties, as well as with transparent, responsible authorities who conform to the principle of participation.

The principle of transparency is understood  as ensuring the freedom of information, which is one of human rights, and in particular the universal access to information on the activities of public bodies / performing public tasks and public finances.  Universal access means for us that the information is given promptly, clearly, in full,  and on its own initiative or upon request.

The principle of participation, we understand as a guarantee of the participation of citizens in decision-making processes and in their implementation.

How we execute our mission?

We want citizens * to exercise their rights, namely:

  • enquire about issues important to them – health, education, environment and spatial planning – the responsibility of public bodies;
  • be aware of their constitutional rights, laws and statutes of the municipalities and villages, especially those which concern the transfer of citizens’ expectations to authorities and the shaping of their environment, including the expenditure of public funds and the creation of law;
  • be  willing and able to enforce their rights cooperating on an equal basis with the authorities, by organizing themselves, controlling authorities, complaining and taking advantage of the guaranteed liberties.

We require the public authorities and other public entities to implement the law. We are particularly interested in the laws relating to:

  • access to public information and submission to the power of civic oversight;
  • proper management of public funds;
  • the use of citizens’ legal instruments to influence the public policies and decide over their immediate surroundings.

* The word “citizen” is used conventionally – in our sense it refers to all women and all men, regardless of formal citizenship.

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